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Why Angoras ?

Angoras are ideally suited to Australia’s dry climate areas. Good breeding and imported genetics have produced a hardy animal that is best suited to areas with rainfall between 250mm and 600mm per annum. They can be used to compliment a sheep or cattle enterprise or as a primary enterprise. In suitable areas, and with competant management practices, angora goats will generally achieve higher returns than sheep. Besides fleece production, there are other benefits such as weed control, pasture improvement and meat production which should be considered when deciding if angoras are right for you. For further information try .


Click here to read an information paper submitted by Ken Sykes titled – Commercial Production of Mohair in Australia.

Where to Buy Angoras ?

Angoras are sold at public auctions, special angora sales, and through the newspaper of other print media. Below you will find some links to stud breeders who may be able to help you with advice concerning purchase and also some advertisements for angoras currently for sale. Animals should be under three years of age and possess the qualities mentioned in the next section. The new producer should look to purchase pregnant does (off a reputable buck) or wethers.


What to Look for in an Angora ?

When purchasing your angoras you should look for animals that are healthy and in good condition. You should make sure that there is no coloured fibre present and this can best be checked by examining the neck area and the animal’s eyelashes. Coloured fibres can render the fleece from such animals and their offspring, useless. The animals should appear strong and alert and be able to walk freely with no obvious lameness. Examine the fibre for eveness, with no matting or cotting or kempy fibres. Because wethers are generally less expensive, this is usually a good place to start for new producers. You should try to attend sales and shows and talk to other producers, preferrably living in your area, to determine the most suitable type of animal for your enterprise. Later you may like to progress to breeding but be aware that a breeding flock requires more attention and is more labour intensive than a wether flock.

Email us for a local producer contact by clicking here.


Site Considerations

Angora Goats prefer areas, which receive rainfall between 250 to 600mm.
Angoras should not be run where vegetable fault is excessive, especially in the case of Medic (trefoil), Bathurst and Noogoora burr. This type of vegetable fault is costly and difficult to remove during processing. The financial discount for such types is very significant.

Angoras can be run effectively on improved and natural pastures, although being browser they benefit from availability of foliage, which will promote good animal health.


Angoras require similar fencing to that required for Crossbred sheep.
Ringlock/ Hingejoint type pre-fabricated fencing is most suitable but can be expensive.

Five wire electric fences are a very suitable alternative and would be significantly less expensive to erect.

Stocking Rates

Angoras should ideally be run at the recommended sheep stocking rate for your particular area. (DSE) Your Department of Agriculture/Primary Industry would be able to advise you regarding this. Advise on pasture management and pasture and soil health may assist in maximising productivity.

Essential Equipment

Vaccinator, drenching gun, ear tagging applicators, castrator (for marking), stockyards shearing shed and plant.


Especially in wet and windy conditions goats “off shears” will need access to shelter.

Goats as Weed Eaters

Angora goats although, not as effective generally at weed control as other goat types, such as those of feral origin, can still be very effective on certain weed species.

Angoras have proven to be very successful at controlling and eradicating (under certain conditions & management practices) Briar bushes, Blackberries, Boxthorn and Scotch thistles.
For controlling these weed types angoras are best introduced off shears or in short fleece.

Scotch thistle is most appealing to angoras when flowering; this has the benefit of both defoliating the plant and reducing the incidence of re-seeding.

What About Cross Breeding?

Boer Bucks can be used as terminal sires for meat production, utilising “cast for age” or culled angora does.

All crossbred kids should be sold prior to 9 months of age, to eliminate the need to shear.

The potential of dark fibre contamination is very significant and crossbred fibre is generally of “no commercial value” as it nearly always contains pigmented fibre and is heavily medullated. To prevent contamination these animals should not be penned or shedded together with pure bred angoras held for fibre production.

For more detailed information on farming angoras please contact our office.


(02) 6959 2988 F: 02 6959 3004


PO Box 16, Narrandera, NSW 2700


68 River St. Narrandera, NSW 2700